Hello friends! Sometimes I had the need to take comparative photos of some pens with each other, which I published in different topics on the forums. I decided to combine all these photos into one post to make it easier to search for them. I will add new in this post it as new requests and opportunities appear :).

Вітаю друзі! Іноді у мене виникала потреба зробити порівняльні фото деяких ручок між собою, які я публікував у різних темах на форумах. Тож я вирішив поєднати всі ці фотографії в єдиний пост, щоб було зручніше їх шукати. Буду поповнювати в міру можливостей та появи нових запитів:).



At the top Montblanc Meisterstuck 149, at the middleAndrew Lensky Grandeur and at the bottom Pelikan Souveran M1000

Montblanc Meisterstuck 149, Andrew Lensky Grandeur, Pelikan Souveran M1000. Lenskiy.org

Montblanc Meisterstuck 149, Andrew Lensky Grandeur, Pelikan Souveran M1000. Lenskiy.org



From left to right: Parker 75 Cisele Gen.3, Pilot Custom k-500SS Gen.2, Parker 75 Cisele Gen.2, Pilot Custom K-500SS Gen.1

Parker 75 Cisele 2 and 3 gen. Lenskiy.org


At the top Pilot Custom 845 Vermillion, at the middleOpus 88 Demonstrator Sapphire Blue and at the bottom Pelikan Souveran M1000

Pilot Custom 845, Opus 88, Pelikan M1000. Lenskiy.org

Pilot Custom 845, Opus 88, Pelikan M1000. Lenskiy.org



From top to bottom: AL Falcon, AL Tribute Vyshyvanka, Montblanc Meisterstuck 146 and AL Classic DeLuxe.

Andrew lensky Classic DeLuxe (Jin Xing 28). Lenskiy.org

Andrew lensky Classic DeLuxe (Jin Xing 28). Lenskiy.org



At the top Pelikan Souveran M800, at the middlePorsche Design TecFlex P3110 and at the bottom Montblanc Meisterstuck 146|Legrand

Porsche Design TecFlex P3110 18K F. Lenskiy.org

Porsche Design TecFlex P3110 18K F. Lenskiy.org



At the top Pelikan Souveran M1000 at the middlePilot Custom Urushi and at the bottom Montblanc Meisterstuck 149

Pelikan Souveran M1000 vs Pilot Custom Urushi vs Montblanc Meisterstucj 149. Lenskiy.org

Pelikan Souveran M1000 vs Pilot Custom Urushi vs Montblanc Meisterstucj 149. Lenskiy.org

Pelikan Souveran M1000 vs Pilot Custom Urushi vs Montblanc Meisterstucj 149. Lenskiy.org



At the top Pilot Custom 742 FA at the middlePilot Custom Heritage 912 FA and at the bottom Pilot Falcon/Elabo

Pilot Custom 742 FA vs Pilot Custom Heritage 912 FA vs Pilot Namiki Falcon. Lenskiy.org

Pilot Custom 742 FA vs Pilot Custom Heritage 912 FA vs Pilot Namiki Falcon. Lenskiy.org



At the top Delta Dolcevita Medium at the middleMaiora Mytho Origine and at the bottom Andrew Lensky “Tribute Visio” DeLuxe

Delta Dolcevita Medium, Maiora Mytho Origine, Andrew Lensky Tribute Visio DeLuxe. Lenskiy.org

Delta Dolcevita Medium, Maiora Mytho Origine, Andrew Lensky Tribute Visio DeLuxe. Lenskiy.org



Some large sized fountain pens (from left to right): Pilot Custom Urushi, Sailor ProGear KOP, Sailor 1911 KOP, Pelikan M1000, Montblanc 149, Maiora Mytho, Senator President, Visconti Opera Master.

Pilot Custom Urushi, Sailor ProGear KOP, Sailor 1911 KOP, Pelikan M1000, Montblanc 149, Maiora Mytho, Senator President, Visconti Opera Master. Lenskiy.org



At the top Pilot Custom Urushi Vermillion and at the bottom Pilot Custom 845 Vermillion

Pilot Custom Urushi vs Pilot Custom 845 Vermillion. Lenskiy.org

Pilot Custom Urushi vs Pilot Custom 845 Vermillion. Lenskiy.org



At the top Pelikan Souveran M800, at the middleAndrew Lensky “Tribute” and at the bottom Montblanc Meisterstuck 146|Legrand

Pelikan M800, Andrew Lensky Tribute, Montblanc 146. Lenskiy.org

Pelikan M800, Andrew Lensky Tribute, Montblanc 146. Lenskiy.org



At the top Montblanc Meisterstuck 149, at the middleMontblanc Meisterstuck 146 and at the bottom Montblanc Meisterstuck 144

Montblanc 144 Meisterstuck Gen.2 from 80s. Lenskiy.org

Montblanc 144 Meisterstuck Gen.2 from 80s. Lenskiy.org



At the top Waterman’s Standard Big, at the middleWaterman’s Standard Middle and at the bottom Waterman’s Standard Slim/Lady

Waterman's Standard Big vs Middle vs Slim|Lady 1945-1953 glass cartriges. Lenskiy.org

Waterman's Standard Big vs Middle vs Slim|Lady 1945-1953 glass cartriges. Lenskiy.org



At the top Senator President, at the middleSailor Profit 1911 King of Pen and at the bottom Montblanc Meisterstuck 149

Senator President, Sailor Profit 1911 King of Pen and Montblanc Meisterstuck 149. Lenskiy.org

Senator President, Sailor Profit 1911 King of Pen and Montblanc Meisterstuck 149. Lenskiy.org



At the top Cross Townsend (Medalist), at the middleCross Peerless 125 and at the bottom Cross Century II (Medalist)

Cross Townsend vs Peerless 125 vs Century II. Lenskiy.org

Cross Townsend vs Peerless 125 vs Century II. Lenskiy.org



At the top Platinum President Red Wine and at the bottomPlatinum Century #3776 Black

Platinum President Red Wine vs Platinum Century #3776 Black. Lenskiy.org

Platinum President Red Wine vs Platinum Century #3776 Black. Lenskiy.org



At the top Montblanc Meisterstück LeGrand 162 and at the bottomMontblanc Meisterstück LeGrand 146

Montblanc Le Grand GT 162 Rollerball vs Le Grand 146. Lenskiy.org

Montblanc Le Grand GT 162 Rollerball vs Le Grand 146. Lenskiy.org



At the top Visconti Opera Club Orange LE, at the middleGiorgio Fedon 1919 Magma and at the bottom Vsconti Opera Black Guilloche

Visconti Opera Club Orange vs Giorgio Fedon 1919 Magma vs Visconti Opera Black Guilloche. Lenskiy.org

vice versa

Visconti Opera Black Guilloche vs Giorgio Fedon 1919 Magma vs Visconti Opera Club Orange. Lenskiy.org



At the top Pilot Custom 845 Vermillion, at the middlePilot Justus 95 and at the bottom Pilot Custom 743 Deep Red

Pilot Custom 845 vs Pilot Justus 95 vs Pilot Custom 743. Lenskiy.org

Pilot Custom 845 vs Pilot Justus 95 vs Pilot Custom 743. Lenskiy.org



At the top Pilot Justus 95 and at the bottomPilot Justus

Pilot Justus 95 vs Pilot Justus. Lenskiy.org

Pilot Justus 95 vs Pilot Justus. Lenskiy.org



From top to bottom: Y-Studio Brass Portable, Caran d’Ache Ecridor Chevron, rOtring 600 Gold  та rOtring Newton.

YStudio Brass Portable, Caran d'Ache Ecridor Chevron, rOtring 600 gold, rOtring Newton. Lenskiy.org

YStudio Brass Portable, Caran d'Ache Ecridor Chevron, rOtring 600 gold, rOtring Newton. Lenskiy.org



At the top Narwhal Nautilus Cumberland LE and at the bottomNarwhal Schuylkill 365 LE

Narwahl Nautilus Cumberland LE vs Narwahl Schuylkill 365 LE. Lenskiy.org

Narwahl Nautilus Cumberland LE vs Narwahl Schuylkill 365 LE. Lenskiy.org



From top to bottom: Montblanc Meisterstuck 149, Pelikan Souveran M1000, Lotus Maharaja and Wancher DreamPen True Urushi Aka Tamenuri.

Montblanc 149, Pelikan M1000, Lotus Maharaja, Wancher DreamPen. Lenskiy.org

Montblanc 149, Pelikan M1000, Lotus Maharaja, Wancher DreamPen. Lenskiy.org



At the top Pelikan Souveran M800, and at the bottomNarwhal Schuylkill 365 LE

Pelikan Souveran M800 vs Narwhal Schuylkill 365 Limited Edition. Lenskiy.org

Pelikan Souveran M800 vs Narwhal Schuylkill 365 Limited Edition. Lenskiy.org



From top to bottom: Pilot Custom 845 Vermillion, Pilot Custom 743 Dark Red, Montblanc 146R Bordeaux and Wancher DreamPen True Urushi Aka Tamenuri.

Pilot Custom 845 Vermillion, Pilot Custom 743 Deep Red, Montblanc Meisterstuck 146R Bordeaux, Wancher Dream Pene True Urushi Aka-Tamenuri. Lenskiy.org

Pilot Custom 845 Vermillion, Pilot Custom 743 Deep Red, Montblanc Meisterstuck 146R Bordeaux, Wancher Dream Pene True Urushi Aka-Tamenuri. Lenskiy.org



At the top Pelikan Souveran M800, and at the bottomPilot Custom 845 Vermillion

Pelikan Souveran M800 vs Pilot Custom 845 Vermillion. Lenskiy.org

Pelikan Souveran M800 vs Pilot Custom 845 Vermillion. Lenskiy.org



Dark red color comparision

From top to bottom: Sailor Profit Casual Maroon, Sailor ProGear Realo Maroon, Montblanc 146R Bordeaux and Pilot Custom 743 Deep Red.

Sailor Profit Casual, Sailor ProGear Realo, Montblanc 146R Bordeaux, Pilot Castom 743. Lenskiy.org

From left to right: Pilot Custom 743 Deep Red, Montblanc 146R Bordeaux, Sailor ProGear Realo Maroon and Sailor Profit Casual Maroon.

Pilot Cuxtom 743, Montblanc 146R Bordeaux, Sailor ProGear Realo, Sailor Profit Casual. Lenskiy.org

In words, I can say that Montblanc has the purest(clearest) and most saturated shade of dark red and it is really a Bordeaux. Sailor’s Maroon is a little faded and have blue (raspberry) notes, so it is colder. Pilot’s Dark Red is the darkest among them, haven’t blue notes, but instead it has notes of orange, which makes it perceived as terracotta (red-brown). Sailor Profit Casual Maroon is noticeably lighter than Sailor ProGear Realo Maroon. This is, of course, when they are all put near, side by side, because individually they all have a pleasant dark red color. 



At the top – (modern) Sailor Profit Casual, at the middlePelikan 140 and at the bottom Parker Duofold Junior

(modern) Sailor Profit Casual vs Pelikan 14 vs Parker Duofold JR. Lenskiy.org

(modern) Sailor Profit Casual vs Pelikan 14 vs Parker Duofold JR. Lenskiy.org



From top to bottom: Sailor Promenade Silver, Sailor 1911 Standard, Sailor Profit Casual and Sailor Profit Brush Pen.

Sailor Promenade Silver, Sailor 1911 Standard, Sailor Profit Casual and Sailor Profit Brush Pen. Lenskiy.org

Sailor Promenade Silver, Sailor 1911 Standard, Sailor Profit Casual and Sailor Profit Brush Pen. Lenskiy.org



At the top – vtg Pelikan 140, and at the bottom – vtg. The Burnham 232F

vintage Pelikan 140 vs The Burnham 232F 1935-1939

vintage Pelikan 140 vs The Burnham 232F 1935-1939



At the top Montblanc Meisterstuck LeGrand, and at the bottomMontblanc Meisterstuck 146 from 80s

Montblanc Meisterstuck LeGrand vs Montblanc Meisterstuck 146 80s. Lenskiy.org

Montblanc Meisterstuck LeGrand vs Montblanc Meisterstuck 146 80s. Lenskiy.org



At the top Visconti Homo Sapiens Elegance (Oversize), at the middleMontegrappa Nero Uno Linea and at the bottom Pelikan Souveran M800

Visconto Homo Sapiens Elegance, Montegrappa Nero Uno Linea, Pelikan Souveran M800. Lenskiy.org

Visconto Homo Sapiens Elegance, Montegrappa Nero Uno Linea, Pelikan Souveran M800. Lenskiy.org



At the top Pilot Custom 743 w|FA nib, and at the bottomPilot Custom 823 w|14k custom Kanwrite Ultraflex nib

Pilot Custom 743 w|FA vs Pilot Custom 823 w|14K Kanwrite Flex nib. Lenskiy.org

Pilot Custom 743 w|FA vs Pilot Custom 823 w|14K Kanwrite Flex nib. Lenskiy.org



At the top Moonman Majohn T5, and at the bottomKanwrite Heritage DT

Moonman Majohn T5 vs Kanwrite Heritage DT. Lenskiy.org

Moonman Majohn T5 vs Kanwrite Heritage DT. Lenskiy.org



At the top Pelikan Souveran M1000, at the middleWancher DreamPen True Urushi and at the bottom Montblanc Meisterstuck 149

Pelikan Souveran M1000, Wancher DreamPen, Montblanc Meisterstuck 149. Lenskiy.org

Pelikan Souveran M1000, Wancher DreamPen, Montblanc Meisterstuck 149. Lenskiy.org



At the top Montblanc Meisterstuck 146, at the middleWancher DreamPen True Urushi and at the bottom Pelikan Souveran M800

Montblanc Meisterstuck 146, Wancher DreamPen, Pelikan Souveran M800. Lenskiy.org

Montblanc Meisterstuck 146, Wancher DreamPen, Pelikan Souveran M800. Lenskiy.org



At the top Leonardo Momento Magico, at the middleMontblanc Meisterstuck 146 and at the bottom Pelikan Souveran M800

Leonardo Momento Magico. Lenskiy.org

vice versa

Leonardo Momento Magico. Lenskiy.org



At the top Pilot Capless Vanishing Point, and at the bottomPilot Capless Fermo

Pilot Capless Vanishing Point vs Fermo. Lenskiy.org

Pilot Capless Vanishing Point vs Fermo. Lenskiy.org



At the top Maiora Mytho Origine, at the middle – Delta Dolcevita Stantuffo and at the bottom Delta Dolcevita Medium

Maiora Mytho Origine, Delta Dolcevita Stantuffo, Delta Dolcevita Medium. Lenskiy.org

Maiora Mytho Origine, Delta Dolcevita Stantuffo, Delta Dolcevita Medium. Lenskiy.org



At the top Montblanc Heritage 1912, and at the bottomKaweco Dia2

Montblanc Heritage 1912 vs Kaweco Dia2 Black CT. Lenskiy.org

Montblanc Heritage 1912 vs Kaweco Dia2 Black CT. Lenskiy.org



At the top Esterbrook Estie Cobalt, and at the bottomEsterbrook JR Pocket Pen

Esterbrook Estie Cobalt vs JR Pocket Pen Tuxedo. Lenskiy.org

Esterbrook Estie Cobalt vs JR Pocket Pen Tuxedo. Lenskiy.org



From top to bottom: Must de Cartier “Trinity”, Caran d’Ache Ecridor Chevron, S.T. Dupont Classique and Cross Century II.

Must de Cartier Trinity, Caran d'Ache Ecridor, S.T. Dupont Classique, Cross Century II. Lenskiy.org

Must de Cartier Trinity, Caran d'Ache Ecridor, S.T. Dupont Classique, Cross Century II. Lenskiy.org



At the top Pelikan Souveran M800, and at the bottomLamy Dialog 3

Pelikan Souveran M800 vs Lamy Dialog 3. Lenskiy.org

Pelikan Souveran M800 vs Lamy Dialog 3. Lenskiy.org



At the top Pilot Capless Vanishing Point, and at the bottomPilot Capless Decimo

Pilot Caples VP vs Decimo. Lenskiy.org

Pilot Caples VP vs Decimo. Lenskiy.org



At the top S.T. Dupont Olympio XL, at the middleLamy Imporium and at the bottom Pelikan Souveran M800

S.T. Dupont Olympio XL vs Lamy Imporium vs Pelikan Souveran M800. Lenskiy.org

S.T. Dupont Olympio XL vs Lamy Imporium vs Pelikan Souveran M800. Lenskiy.org



From top to bottom: Montblanc Meisterstuck 146|LeGrand, Montblanc Heritage Collection 1912, Montblanc WE Alexander Dumas, Montblanc Meisterstuck 149.

Montblanc Meisterstuck 146|Le Grand, Montblanc Heritage Collection 1912, Montblanc LE WE Alexander Dumas and Montblanc Meisterstuck 149. Lenskiy.org

Montblanc Meisterstuck 146|Le Grand, Montblanc Heritage Collection 1912, Montblanc LE WE Alexander Dumas and Montblanc Meisterstuck 149. Lenskiy.org



At the top Esterbrook Estie Cobalt, and at the bottomConklin All American Southwest Turquoise

Esterbrook Estie vs Conklin All American. Lenskiy.org

Esterbrook Estie vs Conklin All American. Lenskiy.org



At the top Pelikan Souveran M1000, at the middleDelta Clear Demonstrator Button-filler and at the bottom Montblanc Meisterstuck 149

Pelikan Souveran M1000, Delta Clear Demonstrator Button Filler, Montblanc Meisterstuck 149. Lenskiy.org

Pelikan Souveran M1000, Delta Clear Demonstrator Button Filler, Montblanc Meisterstuck 149. Lenskiy.org



At the top Delta Dolcevita Medium, at the middleDelta Clear Demonstrator Button-filler and at the bottom Montblanc WE Alexander Dumas

Delta Dolcevita Medium, Delta Clear Demonstrator Button Filler, Montblanc WE Alexander Dumas. Lenskiy.org

Delta Dolcevita Medium, Delta Clear Demonstrator Button Filler, Montblanc WE Alexander Dumas. Lenskiy.org



At the top Aurora Optima Riflessi Custom, and at the bottomMontblanc Meisterstuck 146R| LeGrand Boreaux

Montblanc 146R vs Aurora Optima Riflessi. Lenskiy.org

vice versa

Montblanc 146R vs Aurora Optima Riflessi. Lenskiy.org



At the top Montblanc WE Alexander Dumas, and at the bottomMontblanc Meisterstuck 149

Montblanc WE Alexander Dumas vs Montblanc Meisterstuck 149. Lenskiy.org

At the top Montblanc WE Alexander Dumas, and at the bottomMontblanc Meisterstuck 146|LeGrand

Montblanc WE Alexander Dumas vs Montblanc Meisterstuck 146. Lenskiy.org



At the top Porsche Design P3105, and at the bottomPelikan Souveran M800

Porsche Design P3105 vs Pelikan Souveran M800. Lenskiy.org

Porsche Design P3105 vs Pelikan Souveran M800. Lenskiy.org



At the top Montblanc Meisterstuck 146|LeGrand, at the middleDelta Dolcevita Medium and at the bottom Pelikan Souveran M800

Delta Dolcevita Medium 18K F. Lenskiy.org

vice versa

Delta Dolcevita Medium 18K F. Lenskiy.org

Delta Dolcevita Medium 18K F. Lenskiy.org

Delta Dolcevita Medium 18K F. Lenskiy.org



At the top Visconti Homo Sapiens Oversize(Maxi), and at the bottomS.T. Dupont Olympio James Bond LE

Visconti Homo Sapiens Oversize vs S.T.Dupont Olympio James Bond. Lenskiy.org

vice versa

S.T.Dupont Olympio James Bond vs Visconti Homo Sapiens Oversize. Lenskiy.org



At the top Pelikan Souveran M800, at the middleS.T. Dupont Olympio James Bond LE and at the bottom Montblanc Meisterstuck 146|LeGrand

Pelikan M800 vs S.T.Dupont Olympio James Bond vs Montblanc 146. Lenskiy.org

Pelikan M800 vs S.T.Dupont Olympio James Bond vs Montblanc 146. Lenskiy.org



At the top Montblanc Meisterstuck 146|LeGrand, at the middlePilot Custom 743 FA and at the bottom Pilot Custom 742 FA

Montblanc 146, Pilot Custom 743FA, Pilot Custom 742FA. Lenskiy.org

Montblanc 146, Pilot Custom 743FA, Pilot Custom 742FA. Lenskiy.org



At the top Cross Solo Classic, and at the bottomPilot 78G

Cross Solo Classic vs Pilot 78G. Lenskiy.org

Cross Solo Classic vs Pilot 78G. Lenskiy.org



At the top Montblanc Meisterstuck 146|LeGrand, at the middleWing Sung 628 and at the bottom Sailor 1911 Standard

Montblanc 146 vs Wing Sung 628 vs Sailor 1911 Standard. Lenskiy.org

Montblanc 146 vs Wing Sung 628 vs Sailor 1911 Standard. Lenskiy.org



At the top Pelikan Souveran M1000, at the middleMontegrappa Privilege Deco Oversize and at the bottom Montblanc Meisterstuck 149

Pelikan Souveran M1000 vs Montegrappa Privilege Deco Oversize vs Montblanc Meisterstuck 149. Lenskiy.org

Pelikan Souveran M1000 vs Montegrappa Privilege Deco Oversize vs Montblanc Meisterstuck 149. Lenskiy.org

Pelikan Souveran M1000 vs Montegrappa Privilege Deco Oversize vs Montblanc Meisterstuck 149. Lenskiy.org



From top to bottom: AAA-size batteries, Pilot Myu Black Stripe, 2-in-1 vintage portable pen holder for small pencils and dip nibs, Kaweco Liliput Silver.

Battery AAA vs Pilot Myu vs vtg. Portable holder vs Kaweco Liliput. Lenskiy.org

Battery AAA vs Pilot Myu vs vtg. Portable holder vs Kaweco Liliput. Lenskiy.org

Battery AAA vs Pilot Myu vs vtg. Portable holder vs Kaweco Liliput. Lenskiy.org



At the top Pelikan Souveran M1000, and at the bottomKaweco Liliput Silver

Pelikan M1000 vs Kaweco Liliput. Lenskiy.org

Pelikan M1000 vs Kaweco Liliput. Lenskiy.org



At the top vtg. Kharkov’s Avtoruchka earlier pre-marks, and at the bottomvtg. Kharkov’s Avtoruchka 2-52

Kharkov's AR #1900 USSR. Lenskiy.org

Kharkov's AR #1900 USSR. Lenskiy.org



At the top Pilot Metal Falcon, and at the bottomPilot Namiki Falcon

Pilot Metal Falcon vs Pilot Falcon Resine. Lenskiy.org

Pilot Metal Falcon vs Pilot Falcon Resine. Lenskiy.org



At the top Cross Townsend 566, and at the bottomCross Century II

Cross Townsend vs Cross Century II. Lenskiy.org

Cross Townsend vs Cross Century II. Lenskiy.org



At the top Pelikan Souveran M800, and at the bottomCross Townsend 566

Pelikan Souveran M800 vs Cross Townsend 566. Lenskiy.org

vice versa

Cross Townsend 566 vs Pelikan Souveran M800. Lenskiy.org



From top to bottomEsterbrook Estie Cobalt (Ebony black), Esterbrook JR Pocket Pen, Esterbrook $1.00 “Dollar pen”, Esterbrook J(SJ) “Double Jewel”.

Esterbrook Estie vs Esterbrook JR Pocket Pen vs Estervrook Dollar pen vs Esterbrook J(SJ). Lenskiy.org

Esterbrook Estie vs Esterbrook JR Pocket Pen vs Estervrook Dollar pen vs Esterbrook J(SJ). Lenskiy.org



At the top –  Esterbrook $1.00 “Dollar pen”, and at the bottom Esterbrook J(SJ) “Double Jewel”

Esterbrook Dollar pen 1941-1942 vs Esterbrook J(SJ) 1948+. Lenskiy.org

Esterbrook Dollar pen 1941-1942 vs Esterbrook J(SJ) 1948+. Lenskiy.org



At the top –  Aurora Optima Riflessi custom, and at the bottom – Aurora Optima Silver Ballpoint AU-989

Aurora Optime Riflessi FB Custom fs Aurora Optima Silver BP AU-989. Lenskiy.org



At the top Visconti Homo Sapiens Midi, and at the bottomVisconti Homo Sapiens Oversize(Maxi)

Compare Visconti Homo Sapiens Midi vs Maxi(Oversize). Lenskiy.org

Compare Visconti Homo Sapiens Midi vs Maxi(Oversize). Lenskiy.org



At the top Pelikan Souveran M800, at the middleGraf von Faber-Castell Ituition Platino and at the bottom Pelikan Souveran M1000

GvFC Intuition Platino vs Pelikan M1000 and M800. Lenskiy.org

GvFC Intuition Platino vs Pelikan M1000 and M800. Lenskiy.org



At the top Esterbrook Estie Ebony w|vintage nib adaptor, and at the bottomEsterbrook Estie Cobalt

Esterbrook MVA-E101 with 9128 EF flexible nib. Lenskiy.org



At the top Pilot Custom 742 FA, and at the bottomPelikan Souveran M800

Pilot Custom 742 FA vs Pelikan Souveran M800. Lenskiy.org

Pilot Custom 742 FA vs Pelikan Souveran M800. Lenskiy.org



At the top Pilot Custom 742 FA, and at the bottomPlatinum #3776 Century w|Music

Pilot Custom 742 vs Pelikan Souveran M800. Lenskiy.org

Pilot Custom 742 vs Pelikan Souveran M800. Lenskiy.org



At the left Parker Duofold International, at the middlePelikan Souveran M800 and at the bottom Aurora Optima Riflessi custom

Parker Duofold International vs Pelikan Souveran M800 vs Aurora Optima Riflessi Custom. Lenskiy.org

Parker Duofold International vs Pelikan Souveran M800 vs Aurora Optima Riflessi Custom. Lenskiy.org



At the left Pelikan Souveran M1000, at the middlePelikan Souveran M800 and at the bottom Pelikan Souveran M600

Pelikan Souveran M1000 vs M800 vs M600. Lenskiy.org

Pelikan Souveran M1000 vs M800 vs M600. Lenskiy.org



From left to rightEsterbrook Estie Ebony, Leonardo Officina Italiana Momento Zero, Pelikan Souveran M800, Montblanc Meisterstuck 146|LeGrand and at the bottom Nakaya Cigar Portable

Esterbrook Estie vs Leonardo Momento Zero vs Pelikan M800 vs Montblanc 146 vs Nakaya Cigar Portable. Lenskiy.org

Esterbrook Estie vs Leonardo Momento Zero vs Pelikan M800 vs Montblanc 146 vs Nakaya Cigar Portable. Lenskiy.org



On the topPilot Namiki Falcon(modern) and at the bottom Pilot Namiki Elabo(original, vintage)

Pilot Namiki Falcon vs Pilot namiki Elabo. Lenskiy.org

Pilot Namiki Falcon vs Pilot namiki Elabo. Lenskiy.org



On topEsterbrook Estie Ebony, at the middlePelikan Souveran M800 and at the bottom Aurora Optima Riflessi custom

Esterbrook Estie Ebony, Pelikan Souveran M800, Aurora Optima Riflessi. Lenskiy.org

Esterbrook Estie Ebony, Pelikan Souveran M800, Aurora Optima Riflessi. Lenskiy.org



On topPlatinum #3776 Century, at the middlePilot Custom 742 and at the bottom Montblanc Meisterstuck 146|LeGrand

Platinum #3776 Century, Pilot Custom 742 SF, Montblanc Meisterstuck 146|LeGran. Lenskiy.org

Platinum #3776 Century, Pilot Custom 742 SF, Montblanc Meisterstuck 146|LeGran. Lenskiy.org



On topAurora 88 Big and at the bottom Montblanc Meisterstuck 146|LeGrand

Aurora 88 Big vs Montblanc Meisterstuck 146 LeGrand. Lenskiy.org

Aurora 88 Big vs Montblanc Meisterstuck 146 LeGrand. Lenskiy.org

Aurora 88 Big vs Montblanc Meisterstuck 146 LeGrand. Lenskiy.org



On the leftConklin Omniflex #6 almost from the store (0.45mm), on topEsterbrook Estie with the original steel nib JoWo EF (0.3mm), on the rightPilot Capless VP with a 18K gold nib ground from F to Needlepoint-UEF (0.2mm) and at the bottomVisconti Rembrandt with a steel nib ground from F to UEF (0.25mm).

ground Conklin Omniflex to drawing nib. Lenskiy.org



On the topVisconti Opera Black Guilloche and at the bottomVisconti RaceTech LE

Visconti Opera Black Guilloche vs Visconti RaceTech LE. Lenskiy.org



On the topVisconti Opera Black Guilloche and at the bottomVisconti Opera Master Demo Blue

Visconti Opera Black Guilloche vs Visconti Opera Master Demo Blue. Lenskiy.org



From top to bottom: Visconti Rembrandt Ivory, Visconti Opera Black Guilloche, Visconti RaceTech LE, Visconti Opera Master Demo Blue.

Visconti Rembrandt Ivory vs Visconti Opera Black Guilloche vs Visconti RaceTech LE vs Visconti Opera Master Demo Blue. Lenskiy.org

Visconti Rembrandt Ivory vs Visconti Opera Black Guilloche vs Visconti RaceTech LE vs Visconti Opera Master Demo Blue. Lenskiy.org



On the top Montblanc Meisterstück Le Grand 161 Ballpoint and on the bottom Montblanc Meisterstück 146|LeGrand

Montblanc Le Grand 161 vs 146. Lenskiy.org

Montblanc Le Grand 161 vs 146. Lenskiy.org



On the topPelikan Souveregn M800, in the middleVisconti Rembrandt Ivory and at the bottomVisconti RaceTech LE.

Pelikan Souveregn M800 vs Visconti Rembrandt Ivory vs Visconti RaceTech LE. Lenskiy.org

Pelikan Souveregn M800 vs Visconti Rembrandt Ivory vs Visconti RaceTech LE. Lenskiy.org



On the top – vtg. Pelikan 140 and at the bottomvtg. Pelikan 120.

Pelikan 140 vs Pelikan 120. Lenskiy.org



On the topPlatinum #3776 Century and at the bottomSailor 1911 Standard

Platinum PNB-10000 vs Sailor 1911 Standard. Lenskiy.org

vice versa

Platinum PNB-10000 vs Sailor 1911 Standard. Lenskiy.org



On the topPlatinum #3776 Balance and at the bottomPlatinum #3776 Century

Platinum PTB-10000 vs PNB-10000 with Music nib. Lenskiy.org

Platinum PTB-10000 vs PNB-10000 with Music nib. Lenskiy.org



On the topMontblanc Meisterstuck 149 and at the bottomMontegrappa Espressionne Duetto

Montblanc Meisterstuck 149 vs Montegrappa Espressionne Duetto. Lenskiy.org



On the topMontblanc Meisterstuck 146|LeGrand and at the bottomMontblanc Meisterstuck 149

Montblanc Meisterstuck 146 LeGrand vs Montblanc Meisterstuck 149. Lenskiy.org



Oh the topMontblanc 254 and at the bottomMontblanc 252.

Montblanc 254 vs Montblanc 252. Lenskiy.org

Montblanc 254 vs Montblanc 252. Lenskiy.org

Montblanc 254 vs Montblanc 252. Lenskiy.org



Aurora Optoma Riflessi custom vs Pelikan Souveregn M800

Aurora Optima Riflessi vs Pelikan Souveregn M800. Lenskiy.org

Pelikan Souveregn M800 vs Aurora Optima Riflessi. Lenskiy.org



Conklin Duragraph vs Peanut Caramel Dolcevita style

Conklin Duragraph vs Peanut Caramel. Lenskiy.org

Conklin Duragraph vs Peanut Caramel. Lenskiy.org


MatreModena Dolcevita Federico vs Delta Dolcevita Slim (Postel)

MatreModena Dolcevita Federico vs Delta Dolcevita Slim. Lenskiy.org

MatreModena Dolcevita Federico vs Delta Dolcevita Slim. Lenskiy.org


Conklin Duragraph Amber vs Delta Dolcevita Slim (Postel)

Conklin Duragraph vs Delta Dolcevita Slim. Lenskiy.org

Conklin Duragraph vs Delta Dolcevita Slim. Lenskiy.org


On the topPelikan M150, on the middlePelikan SE M620 Shanghai and at the bottomPelikan Souverän M800.

Pelikan M150 vs Pelikan SE M620 Shanghai vs Pelikan Souverän M800. Lenskiy.org

Pelikan M150 vs Pelikan SE M620 Shanghai vs Pelikan Souverän M800. Lenskiy.org


On the topSenator President and at the bottomMontblanc Meisterstuck 146|LeGrand

Senator President vs Montblanc Meisterstuck 146|LeGrand. Lenskiy.org

Senator President vs Montblanc Meisterstuck 146|LeGrand. Lenskiy.org


On the topAurora 88 Big, on the middleAurora Optima and at the bottom – Aurora Talentum

Aurora 88 Big vs Aurora Optima vs Aurora Talentum. Lenskiy.org


On the topAurora 88 Big and at the bottomAurora Optima

Aurora 88 Big vs Aurora Optima. Lenskiy.org



On the topMontblanc Meisterstuck 146|LeGrand and at the bottom Sailor 1911 Large Profit

Montblanc Meisterstuck 146|LeGrand vs Sailor 1911 Large Profit. Lenskiy.org

Montblanc Meisterstuck 146|LeGrand vs Sailor 1911 Large Profit. Lenskiy.org



Montblanc Meisterstuck 146 (pre modern) vs Le Grand

Montblanc Meisterstuck 146 (pre modern) vs Le Grand. Lenskiy.org

Montblanc Meisterstuck 146 (pre modern) vs Le Grand. Lenskiy.org



From the top to the bottom: Senator President, Pelikan Souverän M600, Geha Schulfuller 700, Geha Schulfuller 600

Senator President vs Pelikan Souveran M600 vs Geha Schulfuller 700 vs Geha Schulfuller 600. Lenskiy.org



И “вишенка на торте”:) (the cherry on top:)). On the top – vintage Japanese Jumbo pen and at the bottom – vintage Geha Schulfuller 700

Japanese Jumbo pen vs Geha Schulfuller 700. Lenskiy.org


  • 07.03.2023 Відповіcти


    Здравствуйте Андрей.После просмотра фотографий не могу удержаться от вопроса-сколько в вашей коллекции перьевых ручек?

    • 07.03.2023 Відповіcти

      Andrew Lensky

      Дякую, Сергію, про таку “багату” думку про мене, але більшість цих ручок не мої, а ще частка уже не мої)). Просто зібрав в одному місті базу знань ручок які пройшли крізь мої руки.

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