Some light sources for pens shooting

Hello everybody! After the recent thread discussing about fountain pens shooting, I decided to make a small guide or advice on the: how are result dependence from the type of used light sources. I hope it will be useful to someone who photographing their pens. Усім вітання! У зв’язку…

Dolce Vita

Among berries and fruits, in addition to cherries and currants, I am also crazy from apricots. So now, when as a result of the war I was left alone, in our difficult time, I must at least dream of a sweet life in the future, so as not to…

My 10-year-old son’s fp kimono for me

Look what beautifull fountain pen kimono my 10-year-old son made by himself as a gift for me! Подивіться, яке гарне кімоно до ручки зробив мені власноруч мій 10-річний син у подарунок! В середину підібрана спеціально дуже м’яка підкладка наче оксамит, темно синього кольору, щоб не пошкодити ручку. Inside, a…

Easter 2023 during the WAR in Ukraine #stoprussia

“Christ is Risen!” This year I am celebrating very modestly, apart from my family and friends. Usually my wife bakes a wonderful Easter cake, so this year I bought it, but I’m drawing the eggs. I used themes from the ethical region of the Over Dnieper Region, Polissia, South,…

FP`s Red Passion

Earlier, I was constantly surprised by the passion of some fans who bought fountain pens of different brands by approximately the same color, until I myself fell ill with this disease)). Although I’ve been dreaming of Pilot Custom 845 Vermillion for a while and had an Aurora Optima Bordeaux…

PelikanHUB 2022 event (Київ)

Due to the coronavirus epidemic, this event was not held in 2020 and 2021, but this year the Pelikan company decided to restore it. The timing has moved slightly from September to November, so this year it will be held on November 18th at 6:30pm worldwide. Thanks to the…