(modern) Pelikan Classic M200 Brown Marble IB/CI

Hello friends! I already have several reviews of the younger models of this brand, both modern and previous, but I remember that 5-7 years later there was information that the brand was discontinued production of Italic type nibs and leaving only Oblique nibs to usually standard ones. So, judging…

My fixed nibs

Hello fp community! In addition to “my ground nibs” I decided to do a second post with corrected and adjusted nibs. The most often problem with modern nibs is the misaligned nib from the factory: too large gap between tines, too pinch tip, misaligned halves, too polished tip, which…

My nibs grinding

Hello everybody! It’s no secret that pens with universal nibs are the most available in sale, and the most universal nib is a nib of size M. But despite the fact that it is the middle between thin and wide nibs, it is just the size that does not…

(modern) Pelikan Classic M200

Hi! I already have a review of the M200 model in Demonstrator design, but today I will add a classic version in black design, so I continue talking about budget Pelikan models. Привіт! Загалом, у мене вже є огляд моделі М200 у дизайні Демонстратор, а сьогодні я хочу додати…

(adjusting modern) Platinum #3776 Century EF

Всем привет! Сегодня я не буду показывать обзор на ручку, потому что у меня их уже несколько подобных. Сегодня я хочу показать как важна правильная и хорошая настройка пера для конечного результата. Hello everyone! Today I will not reviewed this pen, because I already have several similar ones. Today…

(modern) Pilot Custom 742 FA

Hello to all FPlovers! So I got to one of the sweet cakes of modern fountain pens, or more precisely, to the second cult modern flex :). I just could not resist not buying this model, although initially I aimed at the 912 model because of the design closer…