(own) Andrew Lensky “Grandeur” (oversize)

Hi community! A little over a week ago I announced my oversize, which I had been thinking about for almost half a year, searching for the look I wanted it to have, and finally, after making a few changes based on earlier showed prototype, I am ready present to…

(modern) Delta Spaccanapoli Palazzo Filomarino

Hello everybody! Today I’m reviewing one of the modern Delta models, which is very similar in shape to the famous Dolcevita, but little simple and in different color. Вітаю! Сьогодні на огляді одна із сучасних моделів Delta, яка дуже нагадує формою славнозвісну Dolcevita, але трохи простіша та в іншому…

(own) Andrew Lensky “Nefertiti”

Hello friends! Today I want to present my new fountain pen model, but rather concept/prototype of new model that I created in collaboration with Denis. No classic forms and rules, pure fantasy on a chosen theme)). Привіт друзі! Сьогодні хочу представити концепт нової моделі, яку я створив, можна сказати,…

(own) Andrew Lensky Classic DeLuxe

Hello to all FP`lovers! When I saw this nib, I didn’t even doubt that I wanted to try to buy this pen, or rather everything that was left of it. But I apologize to all fans of Chinese pens, and mostly vintage Chinese pens, I didn’t even plan to…

Pilot Custom K-series

Hello FP community! If you wanted to see where the modern Custom line started, this is it: Привіт суспільство! Якщо ви хотіли побачити з чого почалась сучасна лінійка Custom, то це саме воно. Pilot Custom K-Series Black Striped (made in Japan) K-500SS 03.1971 Форма цієї моделі була запозичена у…

Pilot Silvern ArtCraft Crane

Greetings, dear gentlemens and ladies! Another iconic model of my favorite Pilot brand is on review today! For a long time, I dreamed of buying almost this model, but it was not quite what I dreamed of, but it is still a cool pen! Let’s see: Вітаю шановне панство!…