Hello everybody! Today I’m reviewing one of the modern Delta models, which is very similar in shape to the famous Dolcevita, but little simple and in different color. Вітаю! Сьогодні на огляді одна із сучасних моделів Delta, яка дуже нагадує формою славнозвісну Dolcevita, але трохи простіша та в іншому…
(modern) Delta Dolcevita Oro Medium v2.0
I once had a conversation, with also Dolcevita design fan, on the theme “what is the right Dolcevita”. For the rest, I got myself a classic Dolcevita Medium, and he got himself an Dolcevita Oro. Time passed, but like in the movie “Inception” (by Christopher Nolan with Leonardo DiCaprio),…
(modern) Aurora Talentum Black GT Italic
Hi there! I already have a review on this model, but this pen is interesting for its nib with the branded Italic grind from the Aurora. I tried several times myself to buy such a nib without success. I saw on the inet photo Aurora Italics by various designs…
(modern) Aurora Talentum Black
Hello! Today I want to show to you the youngest from top model line fountain pens of the famous Italian brand Aurora. Привіт! Сьогодні хочу познайомити вас з молодшим представником серед старших ручок відомого італійського бренду Аврора. Aurora Talentum Black with chromium trim (made in Italy) AU-D11N-M Сучасний представник…
Hi! A little over a year ago I got a long dreamed of and desired Pilot Custom 845 Vermillion and a year later such an unexpected incident. I never planned to buy this pen and I didn’t even look in this direction, but chance decided everything. I happened to…
2.5 years ago, I already reviewed this flagship model, which is discontinued, but now I can compare the quality of the original first design and ordinary mass production. So I suggest you look at the difference and draw your own conclusions. 2.5 роки тому я вже робив огляд на…