everything you can imagine


The last in Ukraine, master of fountain pens invites all those who are interested and indifferent to fountain pen writing on the first and only one Ukrainian resource of fountain pens and related accessories. Let’s preserve and spread cultural heritage together! It’s more interesting together!

Останній, на теренах України, майстер з перових ручок запрошує усіх зацікавлених та небайдужих на єдиний український ресурс по пір’яним ручкам. Давайте разом зберігати та розповсюджувати культурну спадщину! Разом потужніше та цікавіше!

Glory to Ukraine! Glory to heroes! Lenskiy.org

24 лютого 2022 року стався відкритий воєнний напад росії на Україну. Вторгнення є частиною російсько-української війни, яка була розпочата росією 2014 року і участь у якій росія постійно заперечувала.

Військова кампанія почалася після тривалого нарощування російських військ з листопада 2021 року вздовж кордону України з рф та Білоруссю та визнання органами влади росії 21 лютого 2022 р. терористичних утворень на території України,— «днр» і «лнр»,— як державних утворень.

Близько 5 години за київським часом (UTC+2) 24 лютого президент рф володимир путін оголосив про військову операцію нібито з метою «демілітаризації та денацифікації України» та через кілька хвилин почалися ракетні удари по всій Україні яки тривають і на зараз включаючи мирне населення (включаючи системи залпового вогню та касетні бомби проти міст та цивільного населення!!!).

On February 24, 2022, russia launched an open military attack on Ukraine. The invasion is part of the russian-Ukrainian war, which was launched by russia in 2014 and in which russia has consistently denied participation.

The military campaign began after a long increase in russian troops in November 2021 along Ukraine’s border with russia and Belarus and the recognition by russian authorities on February 21, 2022 of terrorist organizations in Ukraine – “dnr” and “lnr” – as state entities.

At about 5 a.m. Kyiv time (UTC + 2), on February 24, russian president vladimir putin announced a military operation ostensibly to “demilitarize and denationalize Ukraine,” and a few minutes later rocket strikes began across Ukraine that continue and now include civilians (including volley fire systems and cluster bombs against cities snd civilians!!!).

24 февраля 2022 года произошло открытое военное нападение россии на Украину. Вторжение является частью российско-украинской войны, начатой ​​россией 2014 года, участие в которой россия постоянно отрицала.

Военная кампания началась после длительного наращивания российских войск с ноября 2021 года вдоль границы Украины с рф и Беларусью и признания органами власти россии 21 февраля 2022 г. террористических образований на территории Украины – “днр” и “лнр” – как государственных образований.

Около 5 часов утра по киевскому времени (UTC+2), 24 февраля президент рф владимир путин объявил о военной операции якобы с целью «демилитаризации и денацификации Украины» и через несколько минут начались продолжающиеся ракетные удары по всей территории Украины, включая мирное население и жилые кварталы городов (в том числе используя системы залпового огня и кассетные бомбы против городов и мирных граждан!!!!!!!).


Drawings (sketches)

Stolen childhood …

UNICEF: Almost 2,000 children died or were injured during the full-scale war in Ukraine. ЮНІСЕФ: за час повномасштабної війни…

Flowing over the mountains … (inkquarelle)

I don’t want to write anything, just look if you like … Не хочу нічого писати, просто дивится як…

(life as) Revolver …

Talent, ability, desire, perseverance, practice – all this is necessary to achieve something, but all this does not work…

Door to where? (inkquarelle)

Another try of inkquarelle on philosophical themed and our realities. Ще одна спроба чорнилографії на філософську тематику та наші…

866th day of WAR in Ukraine #stoprussia

I wanted to make an other post today, but inhumane russia with its inhumane world did a massive missile…

Under The Sky (inkquarelle)

Hi! For a long time, I wanted to try to draw something on this paper, and even bought it…


Some light sources for pens shooting

Hello everybody! After the recent thread discussing about fountain pens shooting, I decided to make a small guide or…

Dolce Vita

Among berries and fruits, in addition to cherries and currants, I am also crazy from apricots. So now, when…

My 10-year-old son’s fp kimono for me

Look what beautifull fountain pen kimono my 10-year-old son made by himself as a gift for me! Подивіться, яке…

Art tools (fountain pens review)

(own) Andrew Lensky “Grandeur” (oversize)

Hi community! A little over a week ago I announced my oversize, which I had been thinking about for…

(modern) Delta Spaccanapoli Palazzo Filomarino

Hello everybody! Today I’m reviewing one of the modern Delta models, which is very similar in shape to the…

Summit Cadet S100

Hello everyone after the holidays! First review this year, and it’s a review on vintage pen from the 50’s….

Unbranded Germany fountain pen Dolf Knopff from 50s

Hey! A rather typical, made in Germany, but at the same time interesting writing tool from the 50s came…

(own) Andrew Lensky “Nefertiti”

Hello friends! Today I want to present my new fountain pen model, but rather concept/prototype of new model that…

(modern) Opus 88 Demonstrator

Hi there! I never considered buying pens of this brand, but since I had the opportunity to hold it…


Tribute to heroes 2 postcards (wonder-women)

Hello world! Today I want to present and offer to you my third set of postcards “Tribute to heroines”…

PelikanHUB 2022 event (Київ)

Due to the coronavirus epidemic, this event was not held in 2020 and 2021, but this year the Pelikan…

Tribute to heroes postcards

Hello world! Today I want to show and offer you my second set of postcards dedicated to the heroes…


(own) Andrew Lensky “Grandeur” (oversize)

Hi community! A little over a week ago I announced my oversize, which I had been thinking about for…

(own) Andrew Lensky Classic (duo)

Hello to all FP`lovers! One of my customers turned to me with the question, “can I make a section…

(own) Andrew Lensky “Tribute Vyshyvanka”

Hello everybody! Each more or less well-known modern brand of fountain pens has in its model line a model…


How to measure own pen grip angle (new instruction)

Hello everyone! Because the previous instruction was not completely clear for some users, I decided to make it clearer…

Visconti nibs (new and old type)

Статья частично взята с блога giardino.it, но мне кажется она настолько полезна, особенно любителям брэнда Visconti, что я позволю…

Visual comparisons of some pens

Hello friends! Sometimes I had the need to take comparative photos of some pens with each other, which I…


How to measure own pen grip angle (new instruction)

Hello everyone! Because the previous instruction was not completely clear for some users, I decided to make it clearer…

My fixed nibs

Hello fp community! In addition to “my ground nibs” I decided to do a second post with corrected and…

My nibs grinding

Hello everybody! It’s no secret that pens with universal nibs are the most available in sale, and the most…

Visual comparisons of some pens

Hello friends! Sometimes I had the need to take comparative photos of some pens with each other, which I…

Fountain pen Inks. Light Resistance(fadeout) test 2020

Приветствую всех любителей чернильных ручек, а скорее даже чернил к этим чернильным ручкам. Как некоторые помнят, 2 года назад…

Cartridges standarts compatibility chart

This post was conceived not just as a repost from another resource, but as a cheat sheet that want…

Fountain Pens Nib Manufacturer (FPN repost + updates)

Not for profit, but for a more convenient perception (and ease of search) of information, I am reposting this…

Fountain Pen Inks Colorama

Hi to all fountain pen and fountain ink fans! In a short time interested by fountain pens, I made…

Fountain pen Inks. Light Resistance test. 2018

Приветствую всех любителей чернильного письма, чернильных ручек и собственно самих чернил! Давно у меня зародилась идея о проверке светостойкости…

Pinned arts (collections)

Famous Ukrainians

Best wishes to friends! Based on recent events, I don’t know if I will have enough time and if…

Wonder-women (russian-Ukrainian war 2022-2024)

Після публікації моїх листівок “Tribute to Heroes” мені дехто закинув що я не приділив достатньо уваги нашим героїням яки…

Portraits of courage (russian-Ukrainian war 2022-2024)

I decided to collect all the portraits of our actual heroes in one post! Of course, there are many…

Portraits (graphics)

I just decided to collect together a some of portraits sketched. Some are present in various other topics(often in…

Celebrity practice:)

Since in the last few days in quarantine I made several sketches of portraits of celebrities, similar and not…

Kyiv is the capital of Ukraine (Welcome)

I have already several sketches of historical pieces of Kyiv and I decided to combine them into one post:)….

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