156 days of war #stoprussia

We are ready to export Ukrainian grain. We are waiting for signals from our partners about the start of transportation. It is important for us to remain the guarantor of global food security. While someone, blocking the Black Sea, takes the lives of other countries, we allow them to…

(modern) Parker Sonnet steel nib

Hello! Another Parker, another Sonnet)). I already did some Parker Sonnet reviews 2-3 years ago, but they were not bilingual, so I will allow myself to repeat myself a little. If you would be interesting to see more photos of Sonnets and nibs, use the Parker Sonnet Cissele and…

(modern) Parker IM

Вітаю! Сьогодні огляд на саму звичайну ручку, просто ручку і нічого більше, ручку з великим ім’ям яке доси багатьом звичайним людям приходить на думку коли питання стосується письмових приладів. Hi! Today, review of the most ordinary pen, just a pen and nothing more, a pen with big name that…

149 days of war #stoprussia

We are fighting today to defend, to liberate and to restore. For our next generations to have a future, our generation has no right to give up. Ми воюємо сьогодні, щоб відстояти, визволити й відновити. Щоб наші наступні покоління мали майбутнє, наше покоління не має права здатися.    …

(modern hybrid) Wancher DreamPen and Noodlers Flexible

Hello everybody! Yesterday was such a day that: magnetic storms, the general feeling is not very good, and the sad mood came after the post about the fact that Japanese Urushi is not Japanese at all, but Vietnamese, but, but… I don’t remember to which pen personally I modified…

(modern) Wancher DreamPen True Urushi Aka-Tamenuri

If you expect or long for something good long enough, sooner or later you will get it, but perhaps unfortunately, the requirements and expectations for this object are formed, subconsciously, much higher than for something else that you will receive by chance. So one of my dreams in the…