Montblanc 146 Meisterstuck early 90s

Hi! Despite the fact that I already have quite a lot of same reviews on this model, each one has some differences that do not allow me to combine them in one post)). And since I’ve already done the test, you can watch and read this. Вітаю! Незважаючи на…

Ukraine in heart (inkquarelle)

Life is the highest human value. Those for whom life is worth nothing came to our land. Життя – це найвища цінність. На нашу землю прийшли ті, для кого життя нічого не варте.   Вирішив трохи перемалювати нещодавній ескіз. I decided to redraw a recent sketch a bit. Технічно…

(ground to UEF modern) Lamy 2000 black

The year has almost just begun, but I already want to share to you my big disappointment of this year. Not that I hadn’t noticed before, I just wanted to make sure it wasn’t my imagination. Рік майже тільки почався, а я вже хочу поділитись з вами розчаруванням цього…

Easter 2023 during the WAR in Ukraine #stoprussia

“Christ is Risen!” This year I am celebrating very modestly, apart from my family and friends. Usually my wife bakes a wonderful Easter cake, so this year I bought it, but I’m drawing the eggs. I used themes from the ethical region of the Over Dnieper Region, Polissia, South,…

My unsuccess (or fail)

Hi! Usually, it is customary to share only our achievements and hide our failures, because are do not matter, but today I want to share my fail. Привіт! Зазвичай заведено ділитись лише своїми досягненнями та приховувати невдачі, бо вони не личать, але сьогодні я хочу поділитись своєю невдачею. Many…

(modern) Waterman Charleston

Now the term Art Deco is quite popular in the design of fountain pens, and when fountain pen design has some differences from the usual, this term immediately appears in the name. But today in the review is a younger gold nibs model, a once famous brand, which really…