[lathe] Cheap and Effective DIY Demagnetizer

How to all! Who does some household chores with metal tools, uses screwdrivers, pliers, tweezers and others, they often need a demagnetizer or magnetizer, because these are useful properties of steel. There are quite a lot of different ways to make a DIY demagnetizer on the net, but all…

Авторучка “СОЮЗ” АР-65 (USSR AR-65 “Soyuz”)

Hey everyone! I don’t really like fountain pens with hooded nibs, and even less I like Soviet-made pens for various reasons, but since I got a pen to service which not yet in my knowledge base reviews, I decided to fix it. This is probably one of the most…

Montblanc Meisterstück 144 Gen.2

Hi! 3-4 years ago I bought this pen to compare it with my 146 and 149, but when I received it I saw a typical disease about what the seller did not inform me. I decided to keep it for myself and fix it when I had the chance….