(modern) Porsche Design TecFlex P3110

Hello everybody! I already had a review of one of Porsche Design studio product as P3105 model, but today I propose to look at perhaps the most famous model of this studio, TecFlex. Вітаю усіх! У мене вже був огляд на представника студії Porsche Design P3105, але сьогодні пропоную…

Stolen childhood …

UNICEF: Almost 2,000 children died or were injured during the full-scale war in Ukraine. ЮНІСЕФ: за час повномасштабної війни в Україні майже 2 000 дітей загинули або були поранені. Our day’s childhood in Ukraine  (graphics) Щонайменше 1 993 дитини в Україні були вбиті або поранені з моменту повномасштабного вторгнення…

(paper) Fabriano 1264 Watercolor

Hello community! As I promised, after several works I already have an impression of this paper that I can share. A few years ago, at some exhibition, I tried some Fabriano paper from a watercolor sketchbook and I really liked it, so I kept wanting to try it, but…

Flowing over the mountains … (inkquarelle)

I don’t want to write anything, just look if you like … Не хочу нічого писати, просто дивится як що є бажіння … Flowing over the mountains …  (inkquarelle) Tools: Pilot Capless VP w|custom UEF nib with Platinum Carbon Black and brushes with Parker Quink Black

(life as) Revolver …

Talent, ability, desire, perseverance, practice – all this is necessary to achieve something, but all this does not work if you are not in the right place at the right moment. That is, the chance, whether a “hit shot” weighs as much as all other together, and maybe even…

Door to where? (inkquarelle)

Another try of inkquarelle on philosophical themed and our realities. Ще одна спроба чорнилографії на філософську тематику та наші реалії. Door to where?  (inkquarelle) Люди ганяють зраду А потім приносять гроші Кажуть: це – на аптечки Збирайте, наші хороші Привести усіх до ладу Можна хіба що в казці Всі…