Stolen childhood …

UNICEF: Almost 2,000 children died or were injured during the full-scale war in Ukraine. ЮНІСЕФ: за час повномасштабної війни в Україні майже 2 000 дітей загинули або були поранені. Our day’s childhood in Ukraine  (graphics) Щонайменше 1 993 дитини в Україні були вбиті або поранені з моменту повномасштабного вторгнення…

Flowing over the mountains … (inkquarelle)

I don’t want to write anything, just look if you like … Не хочу нічого писати, просто дивится як що є бажіння … Flowing over the mountains …  (inkquarelle) Tools: Pilot Capless VP w|custom UEF nib with Platinum Carbon Black and brushes with Parker Quink Black

(life as) Revolver …

Talent, ability, desire, perseverance, practice – all this is necessary to achieve something, but all this does not work if you are not in the right place at the right moment. That is, the chance, whether a “hit shot” weighs as much as all other together, and maybe even…

Door to where? (inkquarelle)

Another try of inkquarelle on philosophical themed and our realities. Ще одна спроба чорнилографії на філософську тематику та наші реалії. Door to where?  (inkquarelle) Люди ганяють зраду А потім приносять гроші Кажуть: це – на аптечки Збирайте, наші хороші Привести усіх до ладу Можна хіба що в казці Всі…

866th day of WAR in Ukraine #stoprussia

I wanted to make an other post today, but inhumane russia with its inhumane world did a massive missile attack on sick children. The photos is simply frightening with its horror. There are no normal words to express this yet another act of inhumanity. It is hard to even…

Under The Sky (inkquarelle)

Hi! For a long time, I wanted to try to draw something on this paper, and even bought it a few months before, but there was no inspiration, and can’t draw something to someone’s order without knowing the properties of the paper. So I decided that now is the…